Thursday, September 28, 2017

Hot physio guy...?

So random...
Today I decided to create a new blog, and try out the entire blogging again. Only when doing so, the internet told me I already had a blog. And I thought.

 "Why not. Ill just go with the old one..."

So here I am. Back at they keyboard.

My language has changed from Danish to English. My gramma is still off, my spelling even worse - but if I write in danish, I sound like a 10 year old child.
This is what you get, me caught in between two languages, just rambeling away about everything and nothing in a big messy jar.

We will see where it takes us.

I am on my way to my first ever physio appointment as I am struggeling with a lot of groin pain when running more than 5k.
I didnt really want to go to this priticular guy, as Ive heard that he is super hot. Very attractive people makes me nervous and extremly self aware.
But someone I might or might not be semi seeing, ( we will let that one stand for a later time) - is friends with him, and keep saying he is the best and the one to see. He booked me in, and payed for it all, so how can I not go...

Ive asked my running chicka friend Ebby if I will be required to take any clothes off, as theres only one thing worse than getting uncomfortable in front of hot guys, and that is having to be naked in front of hot guys. When its all on a proffesional level anyway...
Ebby have had the same injury, and she assured me that no clothing was removed in her case.
"Ive heard he is hot", I said "The one I am gonna see"
"They always are!" she replied smiling brightly.

I better go.
I am wearing work out clothes. Active wear. You know, so I look like a runner.
"You see how serious I am about my running, hot stuff? You better fix me"
 Leggins, and a gstring so I don't have visable marks from panties.

Laters, readers - I have a date with a hot physio...